TRUCE is a novel of the new age that explores the themes of friendship, love and self discovery in a fun way. The story revolves around 5 protagonists- Tiya, Ron, Udit, Cayra, and Edi, with each one of them facing their own challenges.
The story takes you through them fighting against and uplifting themselves from the issues and blooming into confident young adults. And they don’t do this alone. They do this through the power of friendship and relationships.
The story beautifully portrays the reality of today’s youth and provides a fresh perspective to the reader.
It’s all about finding the right people at the right time!
Reviewed in Asia's most prestigious magazine, the reviewer provides a honest feedback on the book!
Truce was featured in its first ever press release! It delves into the captivating essence of TRUCE and provides a feedback.
Read a blog review on TRUCE! The blogger and reviewer provides an honest and transparent feedback!
This blog post provides a transparent and honest review on the novel! It delves deep into analysis of the storyline!
This blog post provides an informative review on this fiction novel! It talks about the strengths of the plot and it's ability to incline the reader!
This blog post talks about the relatablity of the characters and provides an overview into the plot!
Talking about what sets TRUCE apart from other novels, this post deals with both the effectiveness of the plot and characters!
This post talks about the reviewers favorite character and TRUCE's place in the world of contemporary fiction!
The reviewer highlights the strengths of the book and what makes it unique!
The reviewer provides a concise review giving his feedaback.
Rating it a 4/5, the reviewer elaborates on the lucid language and easy to grasp plot line.